On Thursday, Mar. 31 the inter-club council meeting hosted a Center for Teaching Excellence and ICC workshop where faculty collaborated with the students on what happens outside the classroom and how can the school make it better.
It discussed challenges and issues of campus life and came up with a plan for a more engaged student life.
David Betancourt, the band director and coordinator for the Center for Teaching Excellences, started the meeting by making sure each table had at least one faculty member and good mixture of students in different clubs.
“The cool thing about today we didn’t just hear the issues we heard a lot about the solution and suggestions on how to fix them or change it,” he said.
The first seven minutes each table discussed issues that needed solutions.
During the discussion in a small group table, Jennifer Pakula, the faculty advisor for the Economy Club brought up an issue about getting a classroom to hold a club meeting.
She said, “I don’t understand when they say it takes a month and half to get a classroom. I feel like the order of it is really backwards.
“Get a roster of 10 students, once you have your 10 students then you can become a club then you get a classroom, but it should be get a classroom, make a roster then have a club.”
Betancourt gave 30 minutes to discuss solutions for the issues in each table.
Jerry Reynosa brought up a problem with the way the clubs are funded.
Reynosa is part of the Modern United Nation Club and says they have a conference come up in 14 days and still haven’t been able to book a hotel because the funding process.
“I wish the advisor and the students had sort of like two keys to access the account, because I understand that they don’t trust the advisor and the students with the money, but with some kind of system would help like a card where they deposit the money into.”
The last ten minutes of the meeting were spent with each table sharing the main issues they faced on campus and solutions for it.
Some other issues brought up during the meeting included communication between clubs and officers, the use of Orgsync, and getting officers to serve.
Though the meeting wasn’t long enough to discuss all issues, each person was giving a paper to write down what they discussed and turn them in at the end of the meeting.
Betancourt has a plan to make sure all these issues get fix in a matter of time.
He said, “We’re going to go through all the documents collected today and create a report and then were going to share that report with groups on campus and share it with ASCC and senate or any group we think will be helpful and find a solution, to implement it were going to need people outside of this room like administrator.”
If you have any issues or solution visit the Student Activities Center and drop them in suggestion box anonymously.