October 7, 2023
La División de Educación Continua para Adultos lo invita a nuestra Sexta conferencia del hombre, Fortaleciendo al Hombre 2023. La conferencia sera completamente en espanol, presencial en el student center. Nos enfocaremos en las areas de educacion, salud, y civismo. Reserveya, usando nuestro QR code o llame al (562)860-2451 Ext. 2518
English Continuing Education Division invites you to our Sixth Annual Men’s Conference, Fortaleciendo al Hombre 2023. The conference will be held only in Spanish, in-person in the Student Center. We will focus in the areas of education, health, and civism. Reserve your spot using our QR code or call our office at (562) 860-2451 ext. 2518.