Spring 2015
Good afternoon, morning, or evening, The name is Alexander Naveja, or Alex for short, and I am currently the Sports Editor for the Cerritos College newspaper called Talonmarks. I am currently 21 and the birthday is on October 11, 1993. I have worked for two employers which are, Knott’s Berry Farm for a year and three months as a ride operator, and I am currently working at Sears as a Home Appliance sales associate since November. During the summer, I had an internship with a Spanish speaking channel called ESNE and I was a sports analyst for the World Cup. I am currently working to transfer from Cerritos College and then transfer to a university, preferably Cal State University Fullerton, to get my Bachelor’s Degree in communications in broadcast. I am going to become a sports analyst and/or a sports broadcaster for any sports channel of my choosing.