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New dashboard tool is topic of conversation for trustees

Left to right: Carmen Avalos, Margo Winners, Dr. Jose Fiero. Margo Winners, graphic designer, was awarded the Classified Employee of the Month for July 2015 during the Wednesday Aug. 19 board of trustees meeting.
Left to right: Carmen Avalos, Margo Winners, Dr. Jose Fiero.
Margo Winners, graphic designer, was awarded the Classified Employee of the Month for July 2015 during the Wednesday Aug. 19 board of trustees meeting.

The Board of Trustees met for the first time this fall semester to discuss the addition of a feature to MyCerritos to improve student interaction, an update on Tilden-Coil’s construction on campus, extended library hours and a change in policy in the contract between General Council Legal Firms and the school.

The meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 19, at 6 p.m. went satisfactorily, according to Cerritos College President Dr. Jose Fierro.

He said, “It was a positive meeting. I’m glad to see people so positive about the initiatives for the school.”

The Completion Dashboard project overseen by Professor Frank Mixson is a cosmetic and interactive change to the MyCerritos home page.

Basically, the Completion Dashboard is a tool that students can use to see how many and which classes they need to take to complete their major, and the progress by students is measured by a progression bar typically compared to rank up bars in popular video games.

According to librarian Debora Moore, librarians will be trained on the new tool so students can come to them for help, and the program will launch some time in September.

Tilden-Coil, the contractors overseeing much of the construction on campus, gave update tips on projects and brought to the board the possibilities of building a digital marquee on the intersection of Studebaker Road and New Falcon Way similar to the marquee standing on the Alondra Boulevard side of campus.

However an interesting project for most, trustees were concerned over the impact the construction of the sign could have on the neighboring inhabitants and local residents near the college.

The point will be further discussed as the construction of the sign has not yet reached optimal support for building and not yet entered the design stage.

Starting Monday, Aug. 24, the library will have an increase of eight hours per week, ultimately extending the time students get to use the library.

Secretary of the Board of Trustees Marisa Perez said, “I’m glad to hear about the extension of hours [to the library]. I told [Linda] Lacy about doing that, we even had a joint meeting [with ASCC] and it had a positive impact. It’s a huge achievement.”

Near the end of the meeting Fierro announced the change in policy in the contract between General Council Legal Firms and the school.

He said, “We are not terminating them, we had a contract with the firm to come and sit with us during the meetings. However, the dynamics have changed, so it is not necessary to have them there and I wanted to see in what ways we can use tax payer money in a necessary way.”

Trustees’ next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 26, at 4 p.m. at the Cerritos Sheraton.

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About the Contributors
Sebastian Echeverry
Sebastian Echeverry, Editor in Chief
Hello all, my name is Sebastian Echeverry and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the fall 2015 semester. I have been working for the newspaper for four semesters now and slowly climbed the ranks from staff writer, to assistant sports editor, to sports editor, news/managing editor and finally the big cheese. My interest in journalism began when the twin towers fell on September 11 and the U.S. invaded Iraq. Global news coverage of airstrikes in Baghdad plagued the media and my father who served in the Colombian military would sit with me and explain what was going on to me. I was only eight years old at the time, so putting politics aside, I was only interested in how reporters on the front lines were seeing history unfold in front of them. Since then, I enjoyed reading and writing especially about global news. My first taste of research was for a high school paper about the militias still active in the U.S. I remember sipping some brew outside on the Coffee Bean's patio and being swallowed up by data, and liking it. I Currently have a part time job at Calvin Klein, my favorite sport is soccer and I love, Barcelona, Chelsea and Borussia Dortmund. I also enjoy watching hockey and my favorite team there is the Detroit Red Wings, yeah weird I know. I'm an easy person to approach and talk to and if you have story ideas let's get cracking on them! my email is: [email protected] My Twitter is: C_bass581141 My Instagram is: onlyc_bass5 and for giggles my snapchat is: onlyc_bass5
Grester Celis-Acosta
Grester Celis-Acosta, Managing Editor
I am Grester Celis-Acosta, I will the Managing Editor for Fall 2015. This will also be my third and final semester at Talon Marks and Cerrtios College. A little bit about me is that I love video games and music preferably hip hop. When I’m not busy with school I either play some video games or I just listen to music and relax. Twitter: @GresterC
Instagram: @gresterc23
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