Cerritos College
Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

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Sanders aims to close the wage gap

Bernie Sanders is the best candidate in the race toward the democratic nomination simply because he wants to lead a revolution that will change the current dire state of affairs in the United States.

The american dream has become a myth in today’s society because the wage gap is bigger than ever and Sanders is trying to alleviate this by implementing viable options.

Because of income inequality, today’s youth enrolled in college and universities all across the nation will most likely never achieve upward mobility.

This means that despite the hard work many students are putting in, they won’t necessarily get out of the social class they were born in.

According to Pew Research, the upper class median net worth is 70 times larger than that of the lower and middle class.

This makes it almost impossible to get into the upper class.

One of the solutions Sanders is presenting to help alleviate this issue is to provide free tuition for college students at the expense of Wall Street.

The bill Sanders has already presented to Congress will cost $750 billion over the next ten years.

This bill proposes to tax every Wall Street investment trade transaction and that would raise $350 billion yearly.

Sanders also wants to create jobs that allow for decent pay, therefore, increasing the quality of life for citizens.

The democratic hopeful has introduced legislation to invest $1 trillion in re-building the nation’s infrastructure, which can create 13 million jobs with decent pay.

He has also opposed free-trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which send jobs overseas and provide low wages and unsafe working conditions.

Sanders has also already introduced a bill titled Employ Young Americans Now Act.

This bill would provide $5 billion in funding to employ one million American youth ages 16-24.

Sanders is also one of the few candidates who has acknowledged that black lives matter and has re-introduced the case of Sandra Bland, the black woman who was arrested and whose subsequent death still has questions surrounding it.

The Vermont politician wants to require police to keep public logs of all police shootings and deaths that happen under police custody.

Last but definitely not least, Sanders stands with women when it comes to reproductive rights and believes that women should have control over their own bodies, not the government.

The 74-yeard-old Brooklyn native also supports LGBTQ rights, a fair and humane immigration reform, believes in climate change and wants to strengthen and expand our social security.

In a race where gimmicks rule and hate rhetoric is spewed every couple of days, the nation ought to stop and give the passionate democratic socialist more than just a sympathetic listen because “he would never stand a chance.”

After all, although it would be nice to have the first woman president, the bespectacled senator from Vermont has the better policies and his appeal is being reflected in the polls.

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About the Contributor
Karla Enriquez
Karla Enriquez, Managing Editor
'Ello! My name is Karla M. Enriquez and I am this semester's Managing & Investigative Editor. I'm a journalism major & hope to transfer to Berkeley in the very near future. I'm also very much into literature, politics, pop culture, art, and advocating for causes near and dear to me. I'm REALLY musically inclined so you'll probably catch me at a music event around town. If you catch me around campus feel free to stop me for a chat, I love meeting new people and sharing ideas. Catch me on social media as well. Twitter: karlamenriquez Snapchat:karlajonese
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Sanders aims to close the wage gap