Wilmer Vargas
Overhead View: ‘Campus News Hour’
With Hosts: Tito Benavides & Lucia Sarabia
Wednesdays 10 t0 11am
On WPMD.org
Cerritos College Radio
Today is April 25th , 2012. Welcome to the 14th edition of Talon Mark’s ‘Campus News Hour’ for the Spring semester. Bringing you news and information campus wide.
I’m your host Tito Benavides
And I’m Lucia Sarabia
Good Morning Falcons!
Changes are coming for students that utilize the Free Application for Federal Student Aid program, also known as FAFSA. Time limits will now be imposed allowing for 12 semesters down from the original allowance of 18 semesters. Opinion Editor John Gonzalez asks his fellow Falcons how such a change will impact their student lives.
The ‘Community Resource Fair’ is a event created to help Cerritos College students. With an assortment of otherwise expensive services are provided at the resource fair for students that are seeking help to get them through their daily obstacles. Staff writer Mario Jimenez reporting.
The Talon Mark’s ‘Free Speech Zone’ offers students a chance to voice their opinion on any given subject that is current and applies to student life. This weeks Free Speech Zone question: Are you prepared to transfer into a 4 year university? Staff writers Tania Olivas, Luis Guzma, Jose Ruiz, and Assistant Online Editor Sarah Niemann reporting:
Online Editor Patrick Dolly takes ‘Life of a returning student’ to a much more personal level here on ‘Campus News Hour.’ As many a returning student, campus life has it’s own set of dilemmas for those who are past their twenties.
In this weeks ‘Campus News Hour in-studio-interview,’ we invite The American Red Cross into the WPMD.org studio to further inform students about this weeks continuing blood drive. Rob Torres has been organizing the blood drive for the Red Cross here at Cerritos College nineteen years strong. ‘Campus News Hour’ gets the lowdown on what students need to bring to donate blood as well as information on the conditions needed to donate blood.
This weeks Talon Mark’s ‘Campus News Hour’ Opinion section takes a stand against equality, sort of. Staff writer Casandra Meuret levels her point of view at coed sports and the unfairness of its proposal with the unequal physical abilities of men and women.
Assistant Online Editor Sarah Niemann strongly believes that community college sports athletes should also be eligible for scholarships alongside their 4 year university counterparts.
With the softball playoffs in the horizon, it’s do or die for the Cerritos College softball team. Online Editor Patrick Dolly speaks to our Falcons team and reveals their determination and hope for a victorious season.
The South Coast Conference Tournament was hosted by Cerritos College yielding big wins for the Cerritos College Men’s Tennis crew. With regional qualifications on the line, the Falcons tennis team is working hard to compete in future tournaments. Staff writer Mario Jimenez reporting.
Students in lot C-10 witnessed a car-b-q on Monday at approximately 5pm. A non-student arrived to pick up a sibling when her white pick-up truck went up in flames. A very fast acting Talon Mark’s journalism crew immediately kicked into action and captured the burning truck on film, viewable on Talonmarks.com.
Staff writer Alexandra Scovill reporting.
This weeks Talon Mark’s ‘Campus News Hour’ editorial focuses on a very decisive issue; The vote of no confidence toward ASCC Director of Student Activities Holly Bogdanovich. With an extended medical leave, a lack of transparency, walking out of meetings and failure to guide the ASCC, Bogdanovich as well as the administration faces heavy scrutiny by students and Talon Mark’s ‘Campus News Hour’ Vic Diaz speaks for the entire Talon Mark’s staff.
This has been the 14th installment of Talon Marks
‘Campus News Hour’ for the Spring semester of 2012 here on WPMD.org on the net. We Thank you for listening and would like to remind you to pick up the latest printed edition of ‘Talon Marks’ at news racks located throughout the campus.
We would also like to invite you to log onto ‘Talonmarks.com’ for the latest in breaking news here at Cerritos College.
On behalf of the Talon Marks news staff, I’m Campus News Hour Director Tito Benavides
And I’m Managing and Multimedia Editor Lucia Sarabia
Have a Great Day Falcons!