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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Lauren Torres

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer

Spring 2015

My name is Lauren, i'm twenty-seven, and I love to write. My short term goals are to get my Bachelors Degree in Journalism so i can travel the world for free as a travel writer and to finish the novel i've been working on. I also love to paint and work with inks and ink washes mostly. Fiction books and comic books are my favorite things to read. In my free time i try to watch new movies and shows, generally be outside and in nature or exploring a new area, and cooking, even though i'm not terribly good at it. I'm a vegetarian with hopes of becoming a vegan if i can get over my love of cheese. I love animals, i have two chinchilla's, a dachshund, and a tortoise.

All content by Lauren Torres

Basketball Coach Welliver retires after 35 years at Cerritos

Lauren Torres May 19, 2015

Cerritos sent longtime faculty member and basketball coach Karen Welliver off into retirement with a heartfelt goodbye on Thursday, May 7 in the gymnasium’s team room. “It just ended up feeling...

Uphill battle won for Nino

Lauren Torres May 12, 2015
Chosen by current ASCC President Miles Aiello and approved by a majority of ASCC Senate, Joe Nino answered the call of duty and jumped into the role of vice president for the remainder of the spring semester.

Commencement speaker announced at Cerritos

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer May 8, 2015
Students graduating from Cerritos College this year will have the chance to hear an inspirational speech by Dr. Patricia Arredondo.
The cast of HAIR rally the crowd at an anti-war rally from left to right: Maya Hasiba Ohayon, Ivan Oyarzabal, Natasha Lopez, Emma Simons-Araya, Isaac Simons-Araya and Samuel Green.
Courtesy of Renee Bloch

‘Hair’ is a funky, hair-raising good time

Lauren Torres May 5, 2015

The Cerritos Theatre Department debuted its second run of ‘Hair’ and the result is a mixture of some amazing voices, fantastic use of stage and a handful of moments that make the audience...

Free Comic Book Day attendees patiently wait for artist, Ethan Van Sciver to sign their comic books and on the spot drawn sketches. Photo credit: Nicolette Aguirre

Comic fans have a super time on Free Comic Book Day

Lauren Torres May 5, 2015

The excitement in Bellflower on May 2 was palpable; sun, sweat, super hero t-shirts and a line that went around the corner and down the block were all surefire signs that Free Comic Book Day had arrived....

Students speak against the cosmetology department

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 28, 2015
“My experience here is horrible,” Kelsey Nglam, a cosmetology student, said of her time in the Cerritos Cosmetology program.
Students walked up to the art walk to check out the art done by both students and outside artists. Jasmin Galicia, left, was drawn in due to also being an art major. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

The first ever art walk on campus takes place

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 25, 2015

The first ever Art Walk took place since the days of 1955 when the college was first established. The art walk, put together by students Hope Garcia and Brian Temporary, took place in Falcon Square on...

Record Store Day promotes itself on the front window of Fingerprints Records. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Record Store Day drops exclusive albums and performances for music lovers

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 22, 2015

Record Store Day hit the Long Beach music scene on April 18 to the delight of casual music lovers and diehard collectors alike. One of the most popular record stores in Long Beach, Fingerprints, opened...

Cosmetology cuts a great deal in free haircuts

Lauren Torres April 15, 2015

If you’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and happen to have an abundance of split ends, you may be one of the lucky few Cerritos students selected to get a free haircut at...

The Drum Line in mid-practice outside of the music department. They typically meet two hours before their class starts. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Drum line plays for school spirit

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 15, 2015

If you hear the unmistakable sound of drumming on campus for long periods of time, it’s because the drum line has arrived an hour or two early for class just to practice on its own. The drum line...

The results of the election were posted in front of the Student Activities office. De La rosa and Oyarzabal won by 140 votes. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

De La Rosa, Oyarzabal and Villalobos win elections

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 13, 2015
Eduardo De La Rosa and Ivan Oyarzabal were the new president and vice president, while Victor Villalobos the new student trustee.
A map that sits in Jon Bender's office, made by Bender himself. This is used to show ASSET students where the nearest dealerships are to their location. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Asset program at Cerritos builds future dealer technicians

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 7, 2015
Cerritos has several specialty programs that range from culinary to nursing but one that stands out is the Ford Asset program in the Automotive building.
Disability Specialist Irving Bartikofsky showed faculty members the benefits and basic techniques of the Premiere program, which translates text to sound for disabled students. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

DSPS open house shows the importance of equal access to disabled students

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer April 7, 2015
A Disabled Student Program and Services Open House presentation was hosted in the Liberal Arts building on April 2 in LA 134.

Cerritos Pop Rock band rocks the Student Center

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer March 29, 2015

The Cerritos College Pop Rock band rocked the Student Center Thursday, Mach 26 and performed to fellow musicians and audience members for the first time this semester. The Jazz and Pop Rock Exchange...

An invisible war that needs to be seen

Lauren Torres March 27, 2015
Women's History Month events on Cerritos campus cover different aspects of what it has meant to be a woman through the years.
Decathlon participants hold their guesses while judges check and collaborate on their score-taking. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Spring festival kicks off with the academic decathlon

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer March 25, 2015
The Cerritos Spring Festival Falcon Games officially began on Tuesday, March 24 with the third Academic Decathlon, which took place in LC 155 at 6 p.m.
Participants walk for breast cancer awareness in Falcon Square on Tuesday March 24. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk beats the heat at Cerritos

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer March 25, 2015
Cerritos College hosted a Breast Cancer Awareness walk in Falcon Square, Tuesday at 11 a.m. Students and faculty braved the midday heat to join in the festivities planned and carried out by Ni Bueno, the Health Education department chair.

Getting what you want, when you want

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer March 17, 2015

Stacked, a modern American-cuisine restaurant located near the Cerritos Mall, has found a new, innovative way to stack itself high and above the competition. Upon entering one is immediately set into...

The EOPS, which is connected with the LINC program, showcases a wall of fame for students with high GPA's. Photo credit: Lauren Torres

Cerritos College provides LINC between fostered youth and college

Lauren Torres March 2, 2015
The Leaders Involved in Creating Change or the LINC program at Cerritos College is alive and well on campus this semester.
The cover of the first issue. Drawn by Matthew Merys.

Cerritos artist pens a comic about punks, love and music

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer March 2, 2015

If punk rock really is dead, it’s at least still very much alive in independent comic literature. Just ask Cerritos student Matthew Merys, artist of ‘I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You’, a comic...

FSZ: How do you feel that photographers at Cerritos can only print in black and white?

Lauren Torres and Ariel Jimenez February 20, 2015

Byron Ortiz, Undecided major "I feel it's pretty cool because all the color printing is on digital, so we have to go through the process of using film to get black and white."Itze Romero, Photography major...

Long Beach shows their Big heARTs

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer February 15, 2015

Skateboards, paintings, photographs, and even bark art (sculptures made of tree bark and nails) were all collectively present at ‘The Big heART’ show at the Long Beach Skate shop on Friday, Feb....

Spider-Man swings once again

Spider-Man swings once again

Lauren Torres February 15, 2015
The comic juggernaut known as Marvel has finally done something fans have been wanting to see for years now; re-acquire the movie rights to one of its most beloved characters, Spider-Man.

‘Swingin’ with new jams of the def mans music’

From the vintage vault of the 40s and 50s to today’s new releases and around a Hip-Hop and R&B; corner, these are the genres covered by this year’s Intercollegiate Broadcasting System award...

Debra Ward, Director of Child Development Center cuts the ribbon of the new center on Feb. 4, 2015 at Cerritos College. Photo credit: Karla Enriquez

New Childhood Development Center delights and educates

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer February 5, 2015
Years of planning, organizing and dreaming have finally led to the official opening of the new Childhood Development Center at Cerritos College; nine years and 6.1 million dollars later.
IBS Award nominee has found new passion with radio

IBS Award nominee has found new passion with radio

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer February 3, 2015

Johnny Ray, one of the hosts of WMPD’s show ’Swingin’ With The World’, was nominated for an Intercollegiate Broadcasting System award. Ray, who is still fairly new to radio and his co-host Peggy...

Commissioner of the Inter-Club Council Suleyma Castillo explains forms for the Spring Festival to club representatives.

First spring meeting of the Inter-Club Council covers upcoming Cerritos events

Lauren Torres January 30, 2015
Led by Suleyma Castillo, the commissioner of the Inter-Club Council, the group went over and discussed upcoming Cerritos campus events, deadlines and several clubs gave presentations for causes and fundraisers.

DMTX Xpierience entertains Norwalk as much as it educates

Lauren Torres January 29, 2015

The community of Norwalk was treated to a night of live performances, held at Leche Café, on Friday night that featured artists and community-based presentations, all hosted by the DMTX Media...

Community Colleges offer under-thought bachelor program

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer January 23, 2015
The news that California community colleges would soon begin to offer bachelor degrees hit students of all levels like a surprise gust of strong wind, and as the news spreads it seems to be met with questions, exclamations and comments mostly on board with the plan.

Senate seats go unfilled

Lauren Torres, Staff Writer January 15, 2015
Student senate held a meeting on January 15th in room BK 111 that was as informative as it was unproductive. Cabinet members mainly discussed the possibility of mobilizing the pep band unit, the reconstruction of the Cerritos College Constitution, naming of the new Falcon mascot, and updates on the bus transportation program.
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Lauren Torres