Lynn Wang, the CCFF president, released an email talking about the new COVID-19 guidelines that will be mainly coming in the summer of 2022.
When talking about the booster/weekly testing requirements, those requirements will be ending by mid-April, Wang’s email said.
This is referring to the Jan. 17th testing requirements for those who are booster eligible but decided not to take the booster.
“Booster and testing was a requirement that was implemented by LA county of Public Health as a health order,” Wang said.
Nonetheless, “that was lifted by LA county of Public Health, so that is why the campus is no longer doing that because LA county has given the district the green light to do so,” Wang explained.
“We can expect an official announcement by the college before the end of the week,” the email said.
“Individuals who have been granted either a medical or religious exemption from vaccination are still required to submit proof of a negative COVID-19 test on a weekly basis,” Wang’s email explained.
The phasing of the booster/weekly testing requirements does not change BP 2905, where, “faculty, staff and student are (still) required to show proof of being fully vaccinated,” the email said.
PCR testing will still be available on campus, however, “due to … decrease in demand for on-campus PCR testing, there may be changes in days and times testing is available,” Wang said via email.
The CCFF president also said that she will give an update when the dates are finalized.
For Summer 2022 changes, indoor masking will become optional, meaning it’s no longer mandatory for students, staff or faculty) to wear masks indoors.
While it is still a requirement for indoor masking this Spring semester, indoor masking will become optional (and a recommendation) in the Summer semester.
Also, there are no more 50% occupancy restrictions and social distancing requirements, which means that in-person classes will no longer be capped at 50% enrollment.
Lobbies and waiting areas will now be open; there are no more altered traffic patterns; offices, restrooms and classrooms won’t have restricted occupancy and there is no more “do not use” furniture in these spaces as well, according to Wang.
It’s made clear that depending on LA county guidelines and case increases, those changes are essentially not “set in stone.”
“At this moment in the Summer semester, the campus made a decision to make mask(s) optional,” Wang said.
The overall understanding of these guidelines is that they aren’t 100% set in stone because anything can happen.
These are the COVID-19 changes that were mentioned, indoor masking will no longer be required, booster eligible testing isn’t required and occupancy restrictions (and/or) social distancing requirements are being changed in the summer semester.