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Rose Buds: Such a thing as ‘too much’

Although it is not possible to overdose on cannabis, it is important to know it’s possible to reach one’s own limit.
Rebecca Aguila
“Rose Buds” is a cannabis-friendly column intended for readers 21 years and older. We encourage only legal and responsible enjoyment of all cannabis products.

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KIANNA: Alright! Welcome back, Rose Buds. So this will be our last podcast for the semester. Sad, sad. World’s smallest violin, but it’s all good! Rose Buds is here to keep the 4/20 spirit alive even in May. So I’m your Editor in Chief, Kianna Znika, and I’m joined with…

REBECCA: Rebecca, the Managing editor for Talon Marks. And today, we have a special guest!

LUIS: I am Luis Lemus. I am the Co-Sports editor for Talon Marks.

REBECCA: So just to plug in some of our information for anybody who’s listening us, we are Talon Marks. We work under Cerritos College and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. This is actually a really good newsletter this week. So it’s going to be good. But without further due we’re going to dive right into our first subject. Kiki, do you want to give the audience a little bit of inside we’re going to be talking about today?

KIANNA: Yes. So for anyone who’s read our last written column basically about how weed is not as scary as it once was, cannabis stems from basically a lot of hatred and misunderstanding that’s where the stigma came from and the history was very interesting to learn about. But one of the things I did look into too was it is for sure that you can’t overdose on cannabis. So that’s good!

KIANNA: But the topic today is there is a limit, and I think it’s important for each person to know their limit. I’ve only ever known one person who swears he doesn’t have a limit and I believe him.

REBECCA: What do you mean? I mean that’s impossible. There has to be a time and point when you get too stoned to function like really?

KIANNA: I don’t know-how, he’s just a special case. Just by your reaction that does show hey, there is a limit. So let’s talk about that today, guys, because even though you can’t overdose on something doesn’t mean you want to overdo it.

REBECCA: Yeah, I mean, there are times where I’ve seen my friends, you know, think that they’re so high-and-mighty especially like getting high. So many friends where they just play calm and say “I could probably out smoke Willie Nelson.” Like, man! You cannot out smoke Willie Nelson! That fool’s been smoking for like 20 years and you’ve been only smoking for a year, like come on. I’ve seen those people like literally have too much of an input and they start freaking out and I was like, I think you kind of like reached your limit because they start getting in this weird stage of like not knowing where they are. They kind of act, you know, stupid. It’s like dude, what are you doing? You know, so and I’ve had my shares where I feel like this is your limit so you cannot be saying to anybody else like hey, I can out smoke you or I can out smoke this person because, at the end of it all, everybody’s going to have it because we’ve all had our fair share experience of freaking out when on cannabis, you know.

LUIS: True. And I know my friend, his one of first experiences with edibles. He had a Hubby Bar He had one piece and he didn’t feel anything. So, he goes on and eats half a bar and he started hallucinating things, thinking a gunfight was going to happen.

REBECCA: Are you serious? He got paranoid, oh my gosh.

KIANNA: And see that’s where, you know, this entire column is meant to really show appreciation for cannabis. But man, anyone listening to this, like remember like it does affect your chemistry. Like this is a real thing. It’s not a toy.

REBECCA: Yes. We want to also highlight that edibles are one of the strongest things to put or to digest as cannabis form because when you smoke cannabis, the peak only lasts 15 to 20 minutes and cannabis, when you digest it, it’s in your bloodstream. It’s in your system. So it takes longer for it to come up and it takes longer for you to come down. So you’re going to be stuck at a peak for a cool like hour or almost 2 hours, just not even realizing it’s been an hour. There are my friends who were like “dude” or sometimes it might be different for some people.

Some may say like “Oh, the time feels like it’s going super fast” and it’s only been like 5 minutes. Like “oh dude, how long has it been? It’s been like 10 minutes, huh?” Like dude it’s only been like a minute. Relax. It’s weird time differences for people because I see the other people feel like time goes slower and then time goes faster. So it’s weird when you digest, mix time, and edibles. So people, beware.

KIANNA: Yes, and hearing from this whole conversation, we keep going back to edibles. Its kind of like, dang is that what we should be focusing on right now? Like maybe it’s easier to overdo edibles and we should really like, I don’t know, as a community talk about that. Some advice that I’ve always liked, like with anything, is it is better to underdo it and then just adjust later. Because once you overdo it, that’s it. Then you’re done.

REBECCA: There’s no going back. I mean, I’ve seen people make themselves throw up. But no, you’re still going to be messed up. You know. I mean this stuff, back then, is not as strong from the stuff now, you know, and I’ve seen people who show me pictures of their parents smoke and it’s like dang, that’s like stress. It’s like bricks, you know. It’s not even loose nugs, but even still people, you know, made this whole big thing back then of cannabis of being this ultimate mind-bending thing, which if you digest it, it can. You know, you can actually have a limit when you consume cannabis because dang, it looks good, but it’ll mess you up.

LUIS: Yeah.

KIANNA: Any comments, Luis?

LUIS: I agree. I think it’s like following a recipe. You could underdo it, underdo adding an ingredient but once you go over, you can’t come back from it.

KIANNA: Yup. Gotta throw the whole soup away.

LUIS: Yeah.

REBECCA: What? What did you say?

KIANNA: Like if you add! Come on, that was a good example, Luis. My mind went straight to soup.

KIANNA: Throw out the soup! Rose Buds officially states, “Throw out the soup!”

REBECCA: Yeah, seriously. I think people just don’t know how much it can affect your cerebral capacity because you do go in a state of paranoia. If you do overdo it and you do go surpass your limits. So it’s recommended, like you said, Kiki, to just take it slow. I know you, Luis, your friend ate half the bar. Do you remember how many milligrams was it?

LUIS: I think it was 500 milligrams.

REBECCA: 250 milligrams in one sitting. Dang!

KIANNA: For clarity, Rose Buds, normal single edibles are like 10 mg. So.

REBECCA: Yeah like the minimum sample ones are 10 mg. That would do just about enough for you to just relax and let loose. You probably won’t even feel anything, honestly. I think you’ll probably start feeling something if you take about a 25 mg to 30 depending on the strain also, so that is one thing I want to highlight in this topic that the strain can definitely give you an insight as to what you can take, mentally with the Sativa, and physically with an indica. So, you know, there’s best of both worlds as the hybrid, but that’s something I do recommend that someone who is first-timer and they are wanting to dabble in cannabis. Don’t take a hybrid edible. Don’t do that. That’s just not something I would recommend because I would just either stick with something, you know to dabble with both, you know. If you like the way you feel or when you go to sleep with an indica, awesome, but then there are people who are active dreamers and they take Sativas. So, you know, I like those people who use it in a smart way. So kudos to those guys who actually, you know, need it to mentally cope with stuff or anything that’s happened traumatically or medically. So that’s something I do appreciate in the marijuana community because there are people out there who do want to make, or take, that negative stigma away from cannabis. So thank you, guys.

KIANNA: That’s sweet. I love that.

REBECCA: I mean it’s true! You see people like overdo stuff and it’s like really? But then again, it’s a free country. We are humans, everybody likes to express their own ways of cannabis, but again, know your limit so just you know, do your thing.

LUIS: Baby steps.

KIANNA: That’s a big thing we’ve been saying. From the start, we’ve been saying we encourage legal, responsible consumption of cannabis and also even though cannabis itself is not addicting, I do believe that some people get dependent on it and when it’s dependent, then it’s like, Nah, then you’re not using it in a healthy way anymore.

REBECCA: I mean if it’s for medically, I mean, I don’t mind it because there are some people who, like kids who have cancer, kids who have seizures, that stuff works and that’s the only thing that will stop them from taking 20 vials of pills, you know, from just a little drop under their tongue, them not even feeling it is just, I love that. I don’t mind people using it all the time for that, you know, so. But there is, like you were saying, that becoming dependent that’s really bad.

KIANNA: Yeah but, I agree with what you were saying actually with medical. I guess I was thinking more like people who they know they have responsibilities to do for the day. They made promises to other people, they have obligations, but now they have to cancel because they decided to get high and it’s like well, why did you do that? Why did you do that knowing you had all these other things? So one, if you didn’t know your limit then, so you weren’t just doing it to kind of get yourself in that stable state like, nope. You had the intention of getting high. You, if you didn’t know your limits, then you probably should not have, you know, dabbled with cannabis.

REBECCA: You should have looked for a different outlet or something.

KIANNA: Yeah, and that’s where I think like it kind of doesn’t help people within the cannabis community. We’re trying to show that it can be helpful, that we can function in society. So when things like that happen, it’s like dude. Stop ruining it for the rest of us. Like really appreciate what cannabis is. It’s not a toy.

REBECCA: Or driving under the influence that way, unresponsibly. Like that’s a big No-No because it can affect you like cerebrally. That’s not even a word.

KIANNA: Mentally?

REBECCA: I’ ma edit that part out. Anyways, I’m going back. It can give you a more of an effect and you know in your brain, so it’s just not a good mix for you to just, you know, know that you can probably take a high intake of cannabis but don’t do, responsive, like things you’re supposed to think, respond like on your list of responsibilities. So that it can cause car crashes. I’m not going to lie because there are some people who just have driven so cross-faded with other mixes of alcohol and drugs where, you know, it alters you. So as one thing, you know, I I want to emphasize to not do that. You know, I had a friend who passed away because he was just one time, one night and you know, stuff happened and I just, it breaks my heart. To know that stuff like that happens when people aren’t taking responsibility for their life, so.

KIANNA: I’m sorry.

LUIS: And you said one word that immediately came to mind, I mean, cross-faded. I mean that’s been around ever since I was in high school, and I mean, you don’t want to mess with doing two things at the same time.

REBECCA: Yeah. Luis, if you don’t mind, what year did you graduate high school?

LUIS: I graduated in 2005.

REBECCA: Oh wow! How old are you?

LUIS: I am 32.

REBECCA: Dang, you’re my brother’s age. Oh my god. What high school did you go to?

LUIS: I went to Bellflower.

REBECCA: Oh you went to Bellflower! I was about to say Bell Gardens. All my family went to Bell Gardens, that’s why, so when I heard the “Bell” and “flower” I was like ugh. But that’s cool. That’s crazy.

KIANNA: So then Luis, you have all this wisdom. So if you had to say final thoughts on this topic, what can you teach us? The Rose Buds?

LUIS: I guess it would be that what I said earlier. I guess it’s, if you are going to get into the world of cannabis, take your time. Take baby steps. It’s not a race. I mean, there is nothing to race to. So take it low and slow. And then going the road, getting where you are headed.

REBECCA: Nice. Thank you, Luis. Dang, are we out of time?

KIANNA: We have a few minutes, if you wanna say anything. Do you have any final thoughts, Becky?

REBECCA: As being a super marijuana enthusiast, just everybody, take responsibility. As Luis said, take your baby steps because one, marijuana is not going anywhere, and two, it’s probably going to be around for quite a while. So just as one female to another and one human weirdo to another human weirdos out there, take your time. Please and please be responsible. Look out for each other and use it in a way to just spread positivity and just to make truces, to make up with family members or you know, it can be an outlet. Surprisingly, it’s like Oh! I didn’t know you were into it! You know, so it creates a bonding effect.

REBECCA: So just keep using it more as a positive way, guys.

LUIS: Yes.

KIANNA: And I would say, too, it’s not a competition. So even, you don’t have to compare the way that you enjoy cannabis with the way others do. There’s no one right way to enjoy it. If anything, my biggest advice for anyone listening to this would be find how it benefits you.

Find what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, and see it as your own personal journey. Like, if that person over there wants to, you know, get the whole bong out and everything, but you don’t really feel comfortable, then that’s fine! You know, that’s good for that person. That’s good for you. It’s just, I love it because it’s a very personal thing but we can still bond universally, how we enjoy it personally.

REBECCA: Yeah, this was a good podcast. Y’all make me wanna cry. Oh my god. It makes me sad that this is our last podcast and I’m happy we landed with a bang because we had some, a person who’s older and was had more dabble with, you know, seeing other friends and you know, just seen their limits and you know us, we’re barely just dabbling, I mean, so. It’s crazy, but we just want to say thank you, guys, for who has been listening to Rose Buds. It’s been an honor but Rose Buds actually might be just taking off after we graduate so. Kiki, are you excited?

KIANNA: Quite excited, Rebecca, but you know, as show business says, “the show must go on” even without the Talon Marks brand, so maybe, I don’t know. Keep an eye out. We might surprise you.

LUIS: Yeah.

REBECCA: Thank you, again. Thank you so much for letting us have you on the show, Luis. You’ve been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.

LUIS: No, no. Thank you both for having me.

KIANNA: This is awesome.

REBECCA: All right, guys. Well, this is the end. I’m Rebecca Aguila, managing editor for Talon Marks, signing off for the last Talon Marks Rose Bud’s podcast.

KIANNA: And I’m Kianna Znika, very last thing I’m doing as editor-in-chief, signing off on the Rose Buds podcast.

LUIS: And I’m Luis. I thank you both and as outgoing sports co-sports editor, hopefully we leave, I know we’ll leave you all in good hands.


KIANNA: Love that.

REBECCA: Thank you, guys. Please, probably, stay tuned for another podcast. Bye, guys!


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About the Contributors
Kianna Znika
Kianna Znika, Editor in Chief
Kianna Znika is the current Editor-in-Chief for Talon Marks and previously worked as the News & Community Editor. Her goal is to work for any publication that values nature, mental health, community and the overall wellbeing of others. When she's not working on a news story or sharing her unfiltered opinion with the world, she enjoys reading/writing, hanging out with friends, and taking care of her dog, geckos, and indoor plants.
Rebecca Aguila
Rebecca Aguila, Multimedia Editor
Rebecca Aguila is the currently Multi-media editor and is a 22-year-old student who is majoring Journalism who is set to graduate Spring 2021. Her dream is to create a multi-media production company that is internationally available for an array of content creators. She is a lover of all types of food and will eventually be the creator and producer of food documentary series that highlights the authentic dishes throughout the world.
Luis Lemus
Luis Lemus, Co-Sports Editor
Luis is very big on baseball and tries to attend as many games as he can when there are no classes, of course. When he is not in class or attending a baseball game, he enjoys listening to music, specifically Hip-Hop and Banda. Specifically Banda MS, Banda La Adictiva and Banda El Recodo.
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Rose Buds: Such a thing as ‘too much’