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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

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Estrogen Express- 2019 Resolutions

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[Tiara] Hi everyone. This is Estrogen Express. I’m Tiara.



I’m Cindy.



I’m Marilyn.



And I’m Guada.



[Tiara] And today we’re going to be talking about new year resolutions. So what does everybody think about resolutions? Do they work? Is it just something that people think they can change themselves, because it’s a new year? Like, what do you guys think?



[Guada] It depends what kind of New Year’s resolution because you had mentioned previously about, oh, I’m not gonna drink soda anymore. So it’s like, separated from like, very impactful.



[Tiara] Yeah, but they’re all resolutions. It’s all something that someone wants to do to change about themselves, or something like a habit or an addictive trait that they have. Me personally, I would like to, you know, wean off of nicotine a little bit, I do smoke a Juul, and it is affecting my life terribly. It costs so much money.



[Tiara] So that’s something that I have. But besides that, I’m not big on 2019, or just resolutions, period. I think they’re a little dumb, because people don’t really stick to them. Unless it’s the gym, which is, I don’t know, I feel like a lot of people go in the beginning of the year a lot, and then they stop and then that’s it.



[Marilyn] You need to really want it and accomplish something to actually stick to it. Because I feel like everyone makes a new year’s resolution because it’s like, it’s a trend, like, everyone’s like, oh, what’s your New Year’s resolution? And then kind of like, everyone feels like they need to have one so they stick to something that they’re addicted to, or they want to change how they look or how they feel. So I think they’ll just say something hoping to follow it. But they don’t really want it.



[Cindy] Yeah, like, if you want to change something, usually do it at the moment. Or like, it doesn’t really matter.



[Tiara] Yeah, just don’t wait for the new year.



[Cindy]Yeah, like you can do it like a mid April when there’s nothing going on. Like, make that change. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean like, your whole life is going to change forever. It’s like, you’re gonna have to change your mentality first.



[Tiara] I feel like, that’s a big part of it. Like the mental state of how you’re going to do these changes and all that stuff. Not just like, I’m just going to get up and do it. Because it’s way more than that.



[Marilyn] It’s a whole process. You really need to want it.



[Marilyn] What’s your New Year’s resolutions, Cindy?



[Cindy] I don’t have any, because I didn’t make one like never.



[Marilyn] Because you’re perfect? I’m just kidding. [All laugh]



[Cindy] No, not at all. Um, it’s just because if I want to change something about myself, I just do it at the moment. I don’t really.



[Tiara] Yeah, impulse decisions.



[Cindy] Yeah, impulse. I’m very impulsive. Like, umm I don’t want someone someone’s approval or like, have to tell everyone for New Years. I’m like, go out less or like, I’m gonna go work out more. I’m just gonna do it at the moment. Yeah.



[Tiara] What about you, Guada? What’s your resolutions?



[Guada} Procrastination,



[Tiara] Ooo that is actually good.



[Guada] Because last semester, well all my semesters since starting college. I’ve always been like this since high school. But I think when it comes to procrastination, also organization. Everything’s last minute. So like, last week, I had to turn in my essay that was due at 10pm. And I still had to read like 50 pages worth of my textbook. And at the end, I ended up waiting to like, seven o’clock, and then doing it.



[Tiara] That’s me.



[Guada] Yeah.



[Tiara] I’ve been a really bad procrastinator all of my life. And honestly, I’m not even going to try to be like, yeah, New Year, I’m not procrastinating anymore. Because I know I’m going to do it. And that’s me doing it now. Like, “oh, yeah, I’m just going to try to do it later or something.



[Tiara] I’m going to try to stop procrastinating later.



[Guada] But see, the thing is, that’s when organization comes in for me. Because I think if I’m more organized I think I’ll procrastinate less,



[Tiara] Yeah, true.



[Marilyn] But it’s hard. You have to consider all the other factors because that’s, I also say that, Oh, I’m not gonna procrastinate. But it’s so hard because I work and I’m also a full time student. And then I have my social life. So it’s really hard to…



[Tiara] Not procrastinate.



[Tiara] Yeah, I don’t know. I just feel like it is naturally like, I don’t know, I feel like a naturally pushes back to the last minute, like anything that you do. But that’s just me personally.



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[Cindy] Yeah, I feel like every, like school semester, not even new year, I say I’m going to stop procrastinating a little bit less than like, I never do. And then I get busy with work. And like, life. And then I’m just like, Oh, back to square one, starting homework at 11 pm. [All laugh]



[Tiara] It’s due at midnight. [All laugh]



[Guada] Yeah. And then that’s also something else, like having a social life. Because, like, it’s so hard. And then like, as you start college is like more. And like, when you transfer like, everything starts getting started packing up, you know, stacking, stacking, stacking all up on you.



[Marilyn] I gave up on the procrastination resolution like last year.



[Tiara]  So what is your resolution?



[Marilyn] For my new year’s resolution, I’m trying and starting to become more confident. So when it comes to body image, I’m now comfortable in my own body. I love it. I’m embracing it slowly. When it comes to…with other things. I’m slowly getting there. But I am now proud and accept my body. I can stop having that like stress in my life in my head, knowing Okay, I want to lose weight. I want to do this. Like, I’m just I’m happy with it. And I’m so thankful because it took like a while took a long time.



[Marilyn] Like middle school, high school. And then you look back and I realized, like, all the times that I’ve stressed or put so much worry on myself to want to lose weight and want to look good. But then I look back at the pictures an I look okay, so I don’t know why I was stressing. But I got there. And I’m happy about that. And confidence with other things, too. When it comes to like dating.



[Guada] See, that’s something that I want. I haven’t been there. I haven’t gained confidence with my own body, yet because  I noticed all the changes as I’ve gotten like….as time has passed, and I could see them and they’re, like, super impactful. And like, I don’t like it. But I mean, I’m at a point where I want to be where you’re at. So slowly getting there.



[Marilyn] You are perfect Guada. You have nice hair.



[Guada] Yeah, want to see it. [All laugh]



[Guada] I want to….I want to feel it. I want to be



[Tiara] It’s different when like you hear from other people like, Oh, yeah, you’re beautiful little ball. But the most important thing is, to be comfortable in your own skin. And I feel like if that’s something that you want to do for the new year, then definitely go for it. Because it will honestly just improve. And it’s not even like just working out. I feel like me, the way that I improved my confidence or body image anything is I actually looked at myself every single day. And even if it’s something that like, I look bloated, or something like that, you still point out the things that you like about yourself. Yeah. And honestly, like, when you speak out loud, and you put it into the world, or the earth, whatever, it comes back to you. And you’re going to feel it within yourself that you are like, beautiful. And like those things that you like, it’s going to stand out even more tonight. Not even you but other people



[Marilyn] Facts!



[Guada] That’s where I think honesty comes in. Because I want to be more honest with myself. Not not overly honest. honest with you.



[Tiara] What do you mean?



[Guada] when it comes to having that confidence.



[Cindy] You know, when you like to hide, or like, put away like stuff, even when you don’t want to say about yourself. You’re like, negative you like I look ugly or something like that I have this little spot. And then you’re not honest about yourself. You’re like, maybe I can improve me or something. say, oh, maybe this is part of me now. So might as well live with it.



[Tiara] Yeah, accept it



[Tiara] Anything that I don’t know if you believe in God, but I do. Anything that God gave you just flaunt it. That’s how I feel. And if not, if that’s what I’m saying. If you want to go for plastic surgery, or anything like that, or anything, I’m all for it. Because of that makes you happy, then do your thing girl.



[Guada] I was just gonna lift my nose. But okay,



[Guada] what I was gonna say. I think also the reason why I want to grow my grow my confidence is because I think when you hear so many, so much criticism from other people and anything from family to. It’s like when they compare you to somebody else. I think that like hits. So like, it’s like, hurt so much that I feel like man like Yeah, and that’s, that’s one reason why I want to grow as a person and grow that confidence.



[Cindy] Just ignore what they say to be honest a lot Hispanic families. We say growing a little you’re getting a little chunky here. You should lose weight.



[Guada] My mom says that every single day.



[Tiara] No, I promise you my childhood. I am traumatized because anytime I can’t have cake now, because especially around my family, because that’s all I ate when I was little. And so I remember like, it’s like a family function like TeeTee You want any cake? And I’m like, No, because I was really chunky. They would always point it out like, you need to get in the gym. And I was like, 11, like, i’m going outside to play.



[Guada] See with me it was like…I don’t, I don’t talk no longer talk to my cousin. But we’re the same age. So we grew up together. And they always compared us. So like, whether it was because of school or physically, the way we look or how we acted, they would always compare us. So at first, it would be me that I’d be like, I’m the perfect one. And so like, when you have somebody compare when you have people comparing you to somebody else. I think that just like hurts, because at the end, later on, they started saying, Oh, she’s getting skinnier. She has a nicer body. I don’t know what happened to Lupe, what’s going on? She’s smart, yeah, with books. But yeah.



[Guada But I mean, I take that away. And I’m just like, that’s, that’s somebody who’s ignorant. They can’t really understand like, my whole life. You know what I mean, and why, and why I’m at a point where, why I’m at this point, because there’s so many things that happened. I don’t know.



[Tiara]I Yeah, I agree with that. And people like to point out your flaws. And like, they don’t realize how it became this way or something. But I do feel like an effective way, if you do want to, you know, complete resolutions or anything like that. I feel like something that helped me was journaling. Like, if you write down your goals for the month for the week, and like, you try to complete each one release one per week, or something like that, you will see yourself like improving as a person. And like anything that you aspire to reach anything like that any of your goals, it will come into your presence as long as you like, it’s kind of the organizing thing. Like if you write it out like that, then it can really help you



[Cindy] Mentally, you have to first do that, like mentally change the way you look at things



[Tiara] Exactly.



[Cindy] And then like, if you want to change something physically, then you like, do the action.



[Tiara]But I feel like when it’s written down, for me, at least, like I see it and I’m like, all right, it’s going to keep bothering me. If I don’t do this. I don’t like try to change the way something about this. Blah, blah. So that’s one thing I did. I know one resolution that I actually completed was taking care of my hair because I straightened it too much. And so I had heat damage. And then now it’s a big fluff ball.



[Marilyn] Your hair is so pretty though really, it’s like, you know how to take care of your hair and style it.



[Tiara] Yeah, thank you.



[Marilyn] It’s Beautiful.



[Cindy] I forgot where you read this. But it was like it takes 21 days to make something a routine and then 49 days to make it a habit.



[Marilyn] Yeah, I read when it comes to going vegan. It takes 21 days, once you get over the 21 days….



[Cindy] No, for anything.



[Marilyn] Yeah, well I read it when it comes to veganism. ,



[Tiara] Is that what you’re trying to do?



[Guada] See, that’d be difficult for me. Like you said [talking to Marilyn]  you’ve been trying to give up red meat. And instead of that like I did soda, soda is not really a big thing for me. But I mean like dairy, I think I’d slowly be able to go away from that.



[Marilyn] I’m not trying to go vegan.



[Guada] I’m not I just want to eat better.



[Marilyn] Nothing bad with veganism, though.



[Guada] and be in less procrastination and being organized. Also about having the social life So I’m going to try to balance that out because I mean it’s hard.



[Marilyn] That’s hard trying to make be able to make time for friends, family, and be able to do your own things like your own errands, your own things for school for work. Because if it’s if I’m not slacking off school work, I’m slacking off, hanging out with friends and I’ll put them off.



[Guada] See with me, I’ve been wanting to go out but it’s like my schedule revolves with school and then taking so many classes and then with family at home trying to help out but I mean, I understand but I think we all deserve somehow we all need to at least somehow include a social life so we don’t have such a….



[Tiara] A hectic like, I don’t know, we need some time to relief and like, yeah, like stuff like that, to enjoy ourselves and the people around us that bring us to the number one road to happiness.



[Cindy]Number one rule, try not to get a burnout.



[Tiara]What do you mean?



[Cindy] because some people like to be focused so much time on school that they like, block everything out of their life, social life family, work



[Guada] see that’s something I want to fix.



[Cindy] And then that’s really like bad,  because once you’ve burnt out, then that means you have no more motivation. You don’t have any more like any will to do anything.



[Tiara] You can fall into like a depressive kind of like state when you do nothing but focus on school.



[Marilyn] That was me last semester. I wasn’t depressed. But I was just focusing on my classes because it was so stressful filling out college applications, making sure that my fall semester grades are perfect. So I put off a lot of time, you know, with family because like my family, every weekend loves doing something they love all going out to eat, or we do  something adventurous. So I always skipped out and always stayed home doing homework, or my friends wanted to do something, go to Disneyland or anything. And I’m like, Oh, no, I can’t. And it was it was hard. And that’s like, Oh my god, I don’t want to be in school anymore. And I would cry. But I look at it now. And I’m just like, Oh my gosh,



[Guada] Yeah, I used to be super embarrassed. Because last semester in the semester before that, it was so embarrassing for me. Because when we would do during the holidays, and we would visit family, I’d always bring my computer, my books in my bag every single time really, you’re going to be doing homework, yeah I finished eating but I need  to do this. I know like, whoevers house will go to, my mom will be like, come on lets go at least relax.I couldn’t



[Marilyn] Also hard, because sometimes your parents don’t understand, When I took my grandparents to Disneyland. They didn’t know this. But when we’re in line for small world…



[Tiara] Oh yeah you were writing!



[Marilyn]  I was writing my story that was due in like the next hour, just full on and it was so stressful. But I felt bad but in some way, I felt happy that I didn’t just cancel on taking my grandparents. I was able to do both. But it was really stressful.



[Guada] See, that’s why I didn’t want to stay at home during those times. And like, at least on with them. Although non be spending time with them. I somewhat have some sort of communication with them as I’m working and doing my own thing. But I think that’s something important to be involved more with family and friends.



[Cindy] If you feel stressed out of like school work, just take a mental break don’t push through. Because if you push through you’re going to be very exhausted and you’re not going to be in a good state of mind.



[Marilyn] So New Year’s resolution for that is self care. Self therapy. take time for yourself. Even if it’s like 30 minutes. I remember my tia always said that if you need to take a nap. naps don’t always have to be long. Even if it’s for two minutes. You need to close your eyes. Do anything to help yourself. Calm down, relax. It helps



[Tiara] I feel like it’s important to really listen to your body. If you feel it shutting down. If you feel yourself getting tired. I know one thing with me when I’m really stressed, my eyes start twitching, like like has ever happened to you guys like your island that you can feel it twitching. If we don’t get enough sleep or something. It’s really bad. And like, you can just kind of see it in the corner of your eye. But yeah, I would definitely say just really listen to your body. And like, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Because honestly, the school will always be here. But your body will not. And it’s good. we’ll all die one day. [laughs]



[Guada] And it’s good to like you said to have like those breaks because at the end for me, I still to this day. I still get so I don’t try to get I don’t try to be rude. But I get angry. I have my moments where I’m so angry because I’m so stressed. So I take it out on other people that don’t deserve it. So I think having a good on break this perfect for those who feel that way.



[Marilyn] Actually, that’s something that I improved on. Because I used to take out like my stress and anger on like people around me. But I’ve slowly started to like, calm down and I’ll just show like no interest until like you’re talking to me. And then I know if you’d like if I say something I’ll lash out like if I say anything it’ll be something bad and I’ll regret it. But um, one thing for sure. It’s like they didn’t cause you like any harm or anything. So it’s like why Yeah, putting them into your little stress.



[Cindy] So try to keep positive even though there’s a lot of negativity going around just…self care.



[Marilyn] 2019 is the year of growth positivity and confidence. If you break your New Year’s resolution. Do not feel discouraged. You can start anytime because if you really want it, you’ll put your mind to it and achieve it. Don’t think you have to wait for the following year. Because of the trend that everyone puts into your mind. You can do whatever you want and anytime and yeah. Thank you for listening to our podcast.


Cindy  0:00

Hi, welcome back to estrogen Express. Today we’re gonna talk about Valentine’s movies. We’re gonna do some reviews ratings, how realistic they are,  and like just give some opinions about them. I’m Cindy. I’m Marilyn, I’m Tiara and I’m Guada.


Tiara  0:18

Okay. So for starters, just keep in mind that you know when movies are not real life and they are fictional. I mean, some of them can be based on a true story. But just keep in mind that yeah, this is not real and you can’t base your relationships on movie expectations. So for starters, what is the most unrealistic maybe to y’all that a lot of people look to for guidance or


Cindy  0:43

The Valentine’s movie.


Yes, like the Valentine’s Day movie? Yeah, so that movie is like a movie with like a bunch of different celebrities. There’s a bunch of celebrities


Guadalupe Zaragoza  0:52

Like Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift


Cindy  0:54

they just have like a bunch of random people in it and they all like had some weird like way to meet up there was like, some kind.


Tiara  1:00

Like fate type thing it was really weird I don’t know


Cindy  1:02

there’s like a bunch of story plots and it kind of got confusing a bit because you’re like we are they like together, are they not going to be together


Tiara  1:10

it was just I don’t know I didn’t really like it it was weird


Cindy  1:12

really cheesy


Tiara  1:13

yes like I feel like they did not put like a lot of like thought into the movie because like that wouldn’t happen none of that would happen.


How about you guys Guada, Marilyn?


Guadalupe Zaragoza  1:25

The movie that comes to mind is Casa Blanca I think


Tiara  1:29

I’ve never seen it


Guadalupe Zaragoza  1:30

I think the ending I don’t know if everybody knows the famous scene where the girl she’s gonna leave and


Tiara  1:36

What is it about?


It’s a 1950s film.


Marilyn  1:43

Actually 1940. He reconnects with like an old lover. That’s one. Also. I think I like this movie. So don’t get me wrong when I say this but I think 500 Days of Summer.


Cindy  1:59

I like that one too.


Marilyn  2:00

it’s a good movie it’s a good movie but I don’t think it’s that realistic with “oh yeah like I’m interested in you then I’m not interested in you.” I think when you’re watching it nowadays in real life one person when someone cuts you off it’s like okay.


Tiara  2:18

But the one part that was realistic was that he ended up like not being with her right like yeah the ending yeah she ended up marrying someone else something that’s realistic like that could happen


Marilyn  2:26



Tiara  2:27

that happens a lot in relationships I feel like


Marilyn  2:29

it’s the whole working working together off and on secretive thing, I don’t think it’s realistic the way they portrayed it


Tiara  2:36

okay Have any of you guys seen the spectacular now with Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  2:41

It’s on Netflix.


Marilyn  2:42

I’ve been meaning to watch it


Guadalupe Zaragoza  2:45

Yeah I’ve seen that movie


Tiara  2:45

You have?


Guadalupe Zaragoza  2:46

yeah I think so.


Tiara  2:46

yeah, it’s actually a really cute movie I feel like it’s pretty like realistic. They’re about to leave for college and they’ve started dating in like their senior year or something. And I think in the movie they pretty much get overwhelmed with the relationship. Things just end up going haywire but in the end they both kind of know like the love that they have for each other. So I feel like if you want to watch that related back to your life I mean it’s a good way to look at the positive in any relationship that comes into your life.


Cindy  3:14

I’ve see like the promos and trailers for that movie but then I’ll just don’t watch it. it seems like very like lovey dovey romantic.


Tiara  3:22

it was but like it wasn’t like a bad like a bad interpretation of it I guess.


Marilyn  3:29

Also pretty woman with Julia Roberts.


Tiara  3:32

A classic.


Marilyn  3:32

Classic that but that’s also unrealistic with the whole prostitute


Tiara  3:36



Marilyn  3:38

meets a rich guy


Tiara  3:39

I think prostitutes don’t get treated with that much respect


Marilyn  3:42

meets a rich guy who’s just nice and he he takes her out he buys her all these expensive clothes and to be his fake girlfriend, right or fake? What does she help them with again? To be his pretty woman.


Tiara  4:01

I can’t remember to be honest but i think…


Marilyn  4:04

I think he picked her up and she was doing her job but he didn’t want anything to do with that and they were just hanging out like he liked the company.


Tiara  4:12

Yeah I think that’s what it was I think he liked the company more than like


Marilyn  4:16

So scratch that what I said earlier he just like the company. But I think that’s unrealistic how they end up together.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  4:23

Same with-


Tiara  4:24



Guadalupe Zaragoza  4:25

Same with the film Can’t Buy Me Love that 1987


Marilyn  4:29

Oh, that’s a good film too.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  4:30

Yeah with Patrick Dempsey, all because she wanted to purchase all because she was trying to pay back $1,000 outfit that belong term mom and so she asked to borrow $1,000 from the guy and the guy decides oh let’s date for two weeks and I’ll give you the money. That’s something like that I don’t know and then at the end later on she starts falling in love with them while she’s dating a college guy. I don’t know.


Marilyn  4:56

It’s funny because when you watch those movies when you’re younger, you think that’s what high school is gonna be like-


Guadalupe Zaragoza  5:01

yeah but it’s not.


Marilyn  5:04

actually being in high school it’s it’s normal. Everyone has their cliques it’s nothing nothing like that yeah really they make it so extreme like-


Guadalupe Zaragoza  5:13

so dramatic


Tiara  5:15

Okay The Fault in Our Stars. What did you guys think of that? I feel like it was very boosted I don’t know I just-


Cindy  5:23

As like a teen you’re like ”oh my god let’s go watch it’!’ when it comes out and you’re like all excited yeah but then now seeing it backwards is like what what have I done.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  5:33

Maybe it’s like when they like sometimes based on the book, it’s just like the movie Paper Towns.


Tiara  5:40

It was horrible


Guadalupe Zaragoza  5:41

It was really bad


Tiara  5:42

It was such a bad, oh my gosh, but no the Fault In Our Stars I obviously I mean it can be realistic I guess this could happen like to cancer or terminally ill.


Cindy  5:55

I like how unique it was it was not like traditional.


Tiara  5:58

Yeah I think that’s why it caught a lot of peoples’ eye, because it had a different kind of storyline.


Marilyn  6:05

Also, have you guys seen the Netflix original? To All the Boys I Love Before? I did not think that that is unrealistic.


Cindy  6:14

Everyone is saying how it’s iconic.


Marilyn  6:16

Yes. Everyone said it’s like it’s it’s such a cute movie it’s one of the best movies but if all my high school crushes red letters that I wrote to them, they would, they would not come to me confessing their love or like wanting to speak face to face they-


Tiara  6:34

They would post a screenshot of it  on Twitter and be like, “Who is this girl? Tell her to leave me alone.” It’s not realistic guys.


Marilyn  6:43

And the high school jock would not come up to me wanting to pretend date me to make his current girlfriend. jealous.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  6:50



Tiara  6:50

Like what would think it’s the most random like plotline. Like it was definitely cute and stuff like that. It was a good movie. I personally liked it but no like that’s not going to happen.


Cindy  7:02

it’s kind of like those 90s movies and teen shows now but more modern and still cringey and like ugh.


Tiara  7:11

it was a cute movie just know that. So, the Twilight movies I love them.


Cindy  7:17

Are those Valentine’s movies?


Tiara  7:19

No I wouldn’t say I mean not all of these are Valentine’s movies.


Marilyn  7:22

That’s literally realistic, it’s because no one is vampire.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  7:26

You don’t know that you don’t even know that they’re a werewolf. You don’t know Marilyn.


Marilyn  7:29

oh my gosh you guys


Tiara  7:31

maybe I have fallen in love with the Vampire you just don’t it.


Cindy  7:36

I didn’t like half of the series of the saga.


Tiara  7:41

Like the first half or second half?


Cindy  7:42

Second half.


Tiara  7:44

I mean yeah I feel that. I don’t know when I watch, when I go back to and I watched Twilight I’m like this is like a horrible movie like I really hate it, but then like as their acting gets better from like Kristen Stewart and stuff it’s just like man.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  7:56

Yeah like there’s a guy that’s when they come and save me from me getting hit with the car.


Cindy  8:00

“Then a werewolf is gonna fight for my love too.”


Unknown  8:02

“I’m gonna become a vampire.”


Tiara  8:05

In my opinion I feel like that’s a good Valentine’s Day movie to watch. Like if you just want to spend the whole Valentine’s Day just watching those movies I feel like you will be pleased because even though it’s not realistic it can like give you some type of like fantasy like well I don’t know you can have you just be like dive into it. But yeah, that’s definitely one of the movies that I will always think of.


Marilyn  8:31

Okay, I don’t know if this movie is considered. I was looking under the romance section and I don’t know if this movie is considered romantic but I’ve seen it before and I think it’s unrealistic “She’s out of my League.”


Tiara  8:44

I think it’s kind of romantic it’s like a love story.


Cindy  8:47

It’s more comedy though.


Tiara  8:49

it’s a rom com but like, I don’t think has-


Marilyn  8:51

that realistic with  her job title being like, very like an upscale party planner. And then him being not really knowing what he wants to do with his life and barely making any money to support itself. Like I mean if you put it into reality I mean maybe there are some people like that that don’t mind that will support but I don’t.


Tiara  9:13

But you personally you couldn’t.


Marilyn  9:15



Tiara  9:15

Ah I feel you.


Marilyn  9:17

Personally I need someone on my level.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  9:20

Oh, another movie, “The Kissing booth.”


Marilyn  9:23

Oh my goodness.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  9:24

With Joey King on Netflix.


Not realistic at all.


Tiara  9:28

Yes it is.


Cindy  9:29

No it’s not.


Tiara  9:31

Dating your brother’s best friend?


Marilyn  9:33

The storyline, kind of realistic but if you really look into it.


Tiara  9:37

But wait like what what part are we talking about then because like obviously like the kissing booth part. I mean, I guess but like dating your brother’s best friend, that’s possible. And like you could actually like I feel like that could be like actual situation that people have been because I know my sister she had a best friend always come over and she started dating my brother and like every time she came over, it would it would be like a constant like like weird thing like “Oh am I coming over to hang out with you Am I coming over to hang out with.” That’s like pretty much with the storyline was saying that’s what I feel like but in the end like my sister-


Marilyn  10:10

actually I take that back.


Tiara  10:14

exactly you see what I’m saying? My sister and her best friend are still friends to this day. she’s not with my brother anymore but there’s still like the relationship is even better. So I feel like that’s one of the more realistic movies would like you know more like teen like oh we have a kissing booth.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  10:25

Like with a little spin to it


Cindy  10:26

I feel like they  exaggerated some parts


Tiara  10:28

yeah, of course.


Marilyn  10:29

Some of the actions were unrealistic but the idea of it-


Tiara  10:34

Yeah I feel like it’s definitely possible.


And if you are in a situation like that if there’s anybody that’s listening I still say follow your heart and if your best friend isn’t accepting of whoever you’re dating if it’s their sibling or not then maybe that’s a conversation you guys need to have you know.


Marilyn  10:52

Because a best friend well stand by you with anything they’ll give you advice and their opinion but they’ll let you make those mistakes and let you.


Tiara  10:59



Marilyn  11:00

Let you do what you like.


Tiara  11:01

It can be tough though but just you know work through it.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  11:04

What about the wedding planner is that possible with Jennifer Lopez where he, the groom falls in love and meet her beforehand and he’s going to get married.


Marilyn  11:14

I think that how it all happen, I think realistic. But speaking of the movie, unrealistic on how fast everything happened, and how she just left her boyfriend at the time, and then literally right after he called off the wedding, they-


Guadalupe Zaragoza  11:29

They all of a sudden meet.


Marilyn  11:31

They meet and they like just kiss each other and like confess their love. How it all happened so fast. But I think it’s possible that multiple men or women will, is taking that big step and we’ll see someone attractive and call it all off for them. But-  


Tiara  11:48

High School Musical 3


Marilyn  11:50

We’re not talking about High School Musical.


Tiara  11:55

Okay. So one of my personal favorite movies of all time is Across The Universe and that is pretty much so it’s a musical, but also like a romantic kind of movie. And it’s all the Beatle songs kind of like reworked into, like, a more modern way, I guess. But it’s actually really good movie. And it’s about like, the Vietnam time and all that stuff. And people in the 70s experimenting with drugs and alcohol and love and just all this other stuff. So if you want to sit down and really watch a movie that that has a unique storyline, but it’s also like a romantic comedy or anything like that, then you can definitely, definitely watch that.


Cindy  12:34

So what about The Notebook.


Marilyn  12:38



Cindy  12:39



Tiara  12:40

Definitely overrated.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  12:41

Titanic, that’s my overall opinion. they’re both overrated


Tiara  12:45

Titanic is a classic though.


Marilyn  12:45

I love Titanic.


I think Titanic beats in my opinion notebook.


Tiara  12:53

But Titanic is obviously realistic, so. It’s very realistic, so we can’t be like “that’s not even like” But it didn’t happen. I’m sorry, Leonardo DiCaprio.


This is definitely like off the grid. But Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It’s definitely romantic. But it’s a romantic comedy emphasis on the comedy because-


Cindy  13:16

I thought it was more of an adventure comedy


Tiara  13:20

it is, but it’s also like the whole storyline is based off of this guy going after the a girl.


Cindy  13:25

But it’ Little bit of like, romance not that much.


Tiara  13:29

I don’t know. Like, the whole story is about relationships.


Cindy  13:31

I thought it was just fighting.


Tiara  13:33

Well, yeah, that too. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying is definitely like off the grid. Like it’s not your typical romantic comedy. But definitely, unrealistic. It’s pretty much about like a comic. I think it started off as a comic series. I’m not hundred percent sure. Do not shame me. But it’s like, definitely not real estate.


Cindy  13:49

Nice movie to watch.


Tiara  13:50

Yeah, very dramatic stuff like that.


Cindy  13:52

But it’s nothing like traditional. It’s like new-ish.


Tiara  13:59

Juno. Juno. Oh, my goodness. That’s very realistic. Very, very realistic. You know, there’s people that are pregnant and their teens very often


Marilyn  14:10

Don’t know what they want to do.


Tiara  14:11

Yeah, they don’t know what to do


Marilyn  14:13

with the child.


Tiara  14:14

Yeah. And with the baby daddy or whatever, because you might not have been with them. It could have just been like a one night stand


Cindy  14:19

Would you watch it during Valentine’s Day?


Tiara  14:21

Yeah, I would, yeah, actually, might do that honestly. Like I honestly would, it’s a romantic movie.


Cindy  14:26

Yeah, it’s a very romantic which he like stays with her, which is nice. You don’t see that often.


Marilyn  14:31

And also, I think that’s realistic too I don’t think it’s unrealistic because a lot of times you don’t know what you want, and it’s okay, to make that quick decision. Like, no, I don’t want to give up the baby.


Tiara  14:43

But it’s different when it comes to a life that’s being carried inside of you. So I don’t know. I feel like it’s a nice story about not just regular relationships.


Guadalupe Zaragoza  14:54

So overall, we discuss the films, romantic films and rated rated it based if it seemed real or not. You guys might have heard a few of them that we mentioned but, if you guys would like to check them out then leave a comment on our Talonmarks page so don’t forget to check out Coffee Break and Jenkins Unfiltered.


Tiara  15:19

Catch you next Wednesday. Bye.


Cindy  15:20



Marilyn  15:20


About the Contributors
Marilyn Parra
Marilyn Parra, Co-Online Editor
Marilyn Parra is a communications major at Cerritos College and is now the Co-Online/Social media editor at Talon Marks. Marilyn would love to work for Disney's PR team after graduating from her dream school Cal State Long Beach. She wants to be a role model for young hispanics in the media industry.
Tiara White
Tiara White, Staff Writer
Guadalupe Zaragoza
Guadalupe Zaragoza, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Cindy Canas
Cindy Canas, Multimedia Editor
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