Juan Velasquez, Studio Art
“Art goes away eventually and it’s a materialistic thing, and I love painting so I know how important it is and would love for it to exist forever, but it can’t so care more about the lives that can give us the art”

Bobby Adam, Art
“Probably the people, because the art can be replaced.”

Cassandra Gonzalez, Sociology
“The lost of humans, humans life’s are way more important”

Leslie Duran, Sociology
“Persons life is more important people are more valuable than art.”

Sovauuika Touch, Nursing
“I think human life means more, although the art is very enspwnsive and sometimes can’t replace, it cannot replace a life.”
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Skyler Rains • Mar 17, 2023 at 12:22 pm
Art matters. It is not simply a leisure activity for the privileged or a hobby for the eccentric. It is a practical good for the world. The work of the artist is an expression of hope – it is homage to the value of human life, and it is vital to society. Art is a sacred expression of human creativity that shares the same ontological ground as all human work. Art, along with all work is the ordering of creation toward the intention of the creator. -Michael Gungor
This quote approaches the immediate opposite of what most people would answer when answering the question “Is human life more valuable than art?”. Look at both sides. Art is a preservative of history. History is a very important part of the world. Quote: “The “sanctity of life” is the idea that human lives are inherently valuable — more valuable than any other material thing there is.The fact that we value human life owes itself to various religious traditions. Without religion, can it be justified? Philosophers often reference human rationality as the reason for their value. Is this good enough today?”
While material achievements from one person, especially earlier on in human history are extremely important, they do not deem risking one’s life in an attempt to rescue that achievement, because, human life, is infinitely more important than material objects. Especially nowadays, when art can be viewed by anybody with a device, and even replicated to perfection by skillful artists. While art is a wonderful means of self expression, and an insightful look into our history, it does not deem risking the most valuable thing we, as a people can have, life. Draw the easy conclusion for yourself.