Jaylen Price, a first-year with an undecided major, said, “The Deadpool movie because it is a decent Marvel movie. It brought back many different characters that I loved when I was younger, like human torch even though he kinda got done dirty, but I still love it.”

Violet Harmon, a first-year architecture major, said, “The first thing that came to mind was ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ just because it was so hyped up, super comedic, action-packed and had a lot of good actors in it – also in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

Ebube Okoji, a third-year kinesiology major, said, “It has to be ‘Deadpool & Wolverine,’ I watched it twice – the stars in the movie were a big thing like Ryan Reynolds and his wife… the plot was really good. My favorite part of it was when blade came out, I was like – he was not supposed to be there… gave me goosebumps.”

Isabella Leon, a second-year psychology major, said, “Deadpool because it’s really popular – a good movie, very funny and heartfelt – it had everything.”

Daisy Renteria, a first-year psychology major, said, “’Deadpool & Wolverine’ solely because I work at the movie theaters, I know everyone went to watch it, it was very busy – It was a funny movie.”